• About Zhik System

    Zhik System co. by two brand, first brand is “Zhik Cert” for audit management system include of ISO 9001، ISO 14001& ISO 3834 accredited by NACI (National Accreditation Center of Iran) provide services of audit and issue certification, plus for other standard as ISO 22000, ISO 45001, able to audit by Jas-Anz and ISO 13485 ,ISO 9001,ISO 22000,ISO 14001 able to audit by TURKAK
    Second brand is “Zhik Academy” for training management system as; requirement, internal audit, lead auditioning (corporation with IRCA) of management system standard, Strategic, quality tools, excellence model

  • ZhikSys Policy

    The success mystery this company is in different offering services in audits train of management system and achieving them by: respect the royalty profession adopted to regular, standards specially ISO 17021 and ac-creditor boy gaining more proportion of market.
    Stain of customer satisfaction and continues relationship with them. Introducing the new standard & services, using qualification, follower stuff, auditors, and educator for continual improvement of the system I ask our colleagues to follow above mission and declare their constituent suggestions.

    ZhikSys Policy

  • Infinity Improvement with Zhik Sys co.

    Zhik Sys “Infinity Improvement ” is our motto and always be partner for customer to demonstrate improvement ways and change on Continual Improvement Way.
    The main difference of Zhik Sys. Are:

    • Strong Resume
    • Modern Approach
    • Experience Auditor
    • Experience Tutor
    • Detection of improvement point
    • Severity Accredited